
Professional Arboriculture Training Provider

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Excellent candidate support through all media

Tree Life focuses on providing specialist training for those candidates who are studying towards attaining ABC qualifications in Arboriculture at Certificate & Diploma levels 2, 4 & 6, & on the replacement for the Level 6, Tree Life's Accredited Training Programme in Urban Tree Management.

Level 6 ABC Awards/SEG Awards Certificate & Diploma in Arboriculture

Tree Life has announced a significant change to our industry Arboricultural Qualifications. Following SEG Awards' (formerly ABC Awards) decision to withdraw the current Level 6 Certificate and Diploma in Arboriculture, which we know came as a big shock to many, Tree Life have taken it upon themselves to provide an equally worthwhile & respected Accredited Training Programme in Urban Tree Management - developed by Dave Dowson, the primary author of the Level 2, 4 and 6 Qualifications.


Complete the Full Level 4 Diploma in 1 Year

Why Choose Us?

'Once a Tree Life Candidate, Always a Tree Life Candidate!'...



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