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0116 260 6939Inspections and reports carried under this heading include the following information:
Initial inspections are carried out from ground level using visual observation methods with the aid of binoculars and with the aid of a sounding mallet and a metal probe if required.
Should a more detailed inspection be required due to unknown amounts of decay being present for example then this will be highlighted in the recommendations. Then trees may need climbing to inspect features not clearly seen from ground level or the use of specialist equipment that assist in detecting and measuring the levels of decay present may be required.
Trees are living organisms whose health and condition can change rapidly; the health, condition and safety of trees should be checked on a regular basis, preferably at least once a year where people very frequently visit.
The report carried out by our practice will include the following assessments:
It is a complicated area of reporting due to the complicated nature of the relationship between trees, soils and the uptake of water. The preliminary reports produced are of a predictive nature using assumed information in the first instance when detailed information is unavailable such as the true shrinkable nature of a soil. More detailed reports are available upon request which include for example soil investigations and analysis by special laboratories.
The work carried out would be undertaken in accordance with BS 5837:2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction- recommendations as this is the most likely format that will required by any planning department and for the consultant to provide the most complete information to fully support your application.
This involves producing a survey of the trees (accompanied by a plan identifying each tree with a number) highlighting not only their condition but suitability to be retained (indicated by one of four categories) if development goes ahead. This information is then used to produce a Tree Constraints Plan (TCP) which identifies any constraints posed by the trees to development and is used to inform the final design of the development site.
Following agreement on the final design the arboriculturist would produce a report assessing the Arboricultural Implications (AIA) of the final design and then produce an Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) and Tree Protection Plan (TPP) detailing the mitigation and protection measures required to support any application. This paperwork would then be submitted along with the tree survey detail and the other planning details as an application to the Planning Authority.
The work could be carried out in phases.
Number the trees on the plan and produce a tree survey in a schedule format and a tree constraints plan.
Tree information required
Tree Constraints Plan to show details related to the most important trees on site
A number of neighboring trees may need to be included in the survey because they may present constraints to the development.
Attend a design team meeting and assist the design knowing the Arboricultural implications of the site based on the TCP - optional.
Production of the AIA, AMS and a TPP based on the final design to support your application The more you keep away from the trees the easier and less complicated and therefore less time consuming in terms of my input.
Should the design compromise the trees to a large extent requiring additional arboricultural/engineering solutions above the norm then this will add to the input required. One should also allow a small monetary sum for any additional work that may have to be done after submission and before planning consent is given. (If the design is appropriate there should not be any additional input requirement).