
PTI Course

The three-day LANTRA Professional Tree Inspection course aims to provide a specific tree inspection programme at an advanced level for competent arboriculturists to enable them to reach a level of competence that can be recognised as having received adequate training.

Attendees are required to inspect trees and specify the necessary remedial works and record the inspection process. This would then form part of a defensible system. The course is not aimed at covering report writing however, presentation of findings will be examined and advice given.
Course Content:

  • The legal framework
  • The tree as a dynamic living system
  • The tree as an undamaged, self-optimized structure
  • The law of the minimal lever arm and strategy of flexibility
  • Visual Tree Assessment (VTA)
  • Principle fungal decay organisms
  • Mechanical symptoms of defects
  • Tree inspection equipment
  • Making and writing management recommendations
  • Practical exercises
  • Workshop sessions
  • Hazard evaluation
  • VTA tree walk
  • Introduction to decay detection and measuring equipment
  • Assessment
  • Final round up

Course Objectives:

  • To recognise the role of the tree inspector in risk management and identify the legal framework in the context of statute and common law that affect tree inspection and the duties and liabilities of the owner, manager, and inspector
  • Summarise how a tree system functions, what constitutes a safe tree and understand that energy is required to keep the tree healthy
  • Adopt a systematic and consistent methodology for carrying out visual tree inspection at an advanced level
  • Collect data in accordance with the inspection instructions using a suitable format
  • Observe mechanical and biological defects seen in trees and confirm by the use of textbooks where necessary
  • Identify a range of commonly seen pests, diseases and disorders especially fungi that affect tree safety, identifying them by the use of textbooks where necessary.
  • Understand and be able to state the arboricultural significance of finding fungi in the field.
  • State the appropriate control or remedial measures required to eliminate or reduce risks identified in the inspection process to an acceptable level. Determine when an aerial inspection is required, also if pro-active management recommendations can be made which may eliminate future defects from forming.
  • Prioritise the necessary tree or management works with time scales based on a broad category of risk assessment
  • Identify when it is appropriate to recommend the use of decay detecting or measuring equipment
  • Understand that a balance between the remedial measure opted for and the range of benefits/values that a tree may have requires special attention, for example amenity, wildlife, historical, veteran, rarity, and public access.


The objectives of the course will be assessed, by written question paper, fungi identification and practical tree inspection. At the end of the course attendees will undertake a competence based assessment directly related to tree inspection. The pass mark for the test is 70% overall and 70% in each of the two tree inspections. 

Pre-requisites for the course:

As a pre-requisite of attending the course it is fully expected that you will have a detailed knowledge of tree biology, the tree as an undamaged self-optimised structure, biological and mechanical weaknesses, pathology, legislation, remedial options and their likely implications and the British Standard 3998 Recommendations for Tree work; also any other specific arboricultural knowledge such as may affect detection and measurement of tree defects and recommendation of control measures that reduce the risk posed to an acceptable level. This course is designed as a competency-based course and pre-requisites for the course is a minimum of arboricultural qualification at level three or equivalent, plus five years experience in carrying out tree survey and inspection, is expected. It is also an opportunity for attendees to update their level of knowledge and its application to inspecting trees particularly if that previous knowledge was gained sometime ago.

Attendees for this course should have a minimum Level 3 (NQF) Arboricultural qualification or equivalent, plus five years of experience in carrying out tree survey and inspection. If you are unsure whether this course is appropriate for you, please contact Tree Life for advice.

LANTRA Professional Tree Inspection Resit – Exam only

If you wish to take the PTI exam as a re-take, then please contact the office. This is a one-day resit where you will be joining us on the third day of the PTI course for a refresher session in the morning and the exam in the afternoon. This gives you a bit of time to settle before taking the examination, which we find helps attendees!

Course Dates and Price 2025:

  • 2nd-4th April - Full Course
  • 4th April - Re-sit exam
  • 10th-12th June - Full Course
  • 12th June - Re-sit exam 
  • 1st-3rd July - Full Course
  • 3rd July - Re-sit exam
  • 7th-9th October - Full Course
  • 9th October - Re-sit exam

Full course inc exam - £642 inc VAT

Re-sit only - £180 inc VAT


The Petwood Hotel, Stixwould Road, Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire, LN10 6QG

  • Times: 9.00am-4.30pm on all three days.


  • Refreshments: Refreshments and lunch are provided by the hotel; please specify any dietary requirements when booking
  • Equipment Required: Please be aware that for part of the course you will be outside so please bring suitable clothing for outdoor weather. Use of provided Tree Inspection equipment is included in this course.
  • Accommodation at the Petwood Hotel: Accommodation is available at the Petwood Hotel at preferential rates. Contact the Petwood Hotel (Historic Hotel and Gardens in Lincolnshire | Hotels near Lincoln) and mention that you are a Tree Life attendee to receive the special rates.


Please email or call on 0116 260 6939 for further information.