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0116 260 6939If you are unsure whether this course is appropriate for you, please contact Tree Life for advice.
This refresher training programme is designed to utilise existing knowledge and information provided as part of the Professional Tree Inspection programme. There are technical updates contained within the course. The programme is not designed to describe management methods of identifying systems of prioritising the inspection of trees with potential defects or to give training related to risk reduction management systems, for example risk zoning such as may be adopted by tree owners.
The need for this refresher programme has arisen out of a recent inquest (2014) where council highway inspectors had not completed any hazard-related training for seven years and a common-sense approach to reinforcing previously acquired knowledge and skills.
programme (PTI) to ensure the previous knowledge and skills acquired are kept current
No assessment procedure is in operation for this refresher course.
£252 inc VAT
The Petwood Hotel, Stixwould Road, Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire, LN10 6QG
Please email or call on 0116 260 6939 for further information.