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0116 260 6939The aim of the training day is to provide a program that allows attendees to go away with sufficient working knowledge to compile a strategy and start the processes of implementing a Tree Risk Management Strategy within their organisation or for an organisation where a strategy does not exist. The day will utilise up to date information from organisations such as the National Tree Safety Group, Health and Safety Executive, research groups such as the Centre for Decision Analysis and Risk Management, consultants, court precedent, statute law and other relevant sources to provide guidance and advice on the formation of a strategy of tree risk management that is appropriate for the level of risk that exists with trees. The information presented should ensure that the attendee can, with the aid of a template, prepare a risk management strategy that identifies the requirements of such a document e.g. strategy formation, zoning, inspection regimes, inspector qualifications, data collection, record keeping processes and prioritisation needs etc.
Tree Life has been involved with writing and overseeing strategy production for a number of large organisations in the UK including Local Authorities and private organisations. With one particular organisation the system in place has been tested in court and stood up to scrutiny confirming the relevance of our work. The other side of putting a system in place is the examination of a system when things go wrong – in these matters Tree Life have had a good deal of experience. This work assists us to improve our advice and to know what a good system requires.
In evaluating the requirements of a system, we have bench marked our work against the better local authorities and other large organisations to ensure that what we advocate is consistent with the standards of our industry.
£180 inc VAT
Online - Live Video Call via Microsoft Teams
Please email or call on 0116 260 6939 for further information.